For the month of November, we are having a missions month where we focus on the different missionaries, both international and local, we support. If you'd like to give to any of our missionaries, please call our office (403-244-2948).
The following are a list of the projects, organizations, and ministries currently supported by CFG Church. To learn more about our missionaries or for any general inquiries, please click the button below!
ALIES - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
ALIES (Alberta Life Issues Educational Society) is a non-profit organization and a federally registered charity that operates in the province of Alberta. ALIES gathers, develops and distributes information on a broad range of life issues. These include abortion, euthanasia, reproduction technologies, pregnancy, birth control, and human sexuality.
ALIE’s mission is to educate Albertans on the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death to create and promote a culture of life.
Calgary bible Training Centres - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The Bible Training Centres is a discipleship training center that systematically teaches major doctrines of Christianity with the Bible as the Only Definite Reference Material.
Calgary Bible Training Centres is a Christian discipleship ministry with a vision to make, train and release disciples of Jesus Christ for the end time harvest. Our vision is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in Canada and support the local churches in Canada to make and train disciples.
Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre is a non-profit charity offering pregnancy and family support for those in challenging situations. We have been caring for women, youth, and families since 1985. We are here to answer questions, present options, and provide support through the decision-making process and beyond. Whatever journey you choose, we will be there to walk with you. Whatever option you choose: abortion, adoption, or parenting, we want the Centre to be a comfortable and safe place to be.
CHRIS & ALINDA - Romania
Chris & Alinda’s main desire is to mirror the work of Jesus who welcomed the people, satisfied both the physical and spiritual hunger, and healed the broken-hearted. They want to produce disciples who are filled with the power of God, healed, restored and willing to advance the Kingdom of God.
They work with Father's House International (FHI), incorporated as CAIRD, which is a Canadian-based charity making an impact in the relief of poverty by assisting orphaned and abandoned children in Romania and South Africa.
Father’s House International are not your typical orphanage. They don't have a large facility with many children and care givers who work in shifts. They place our children with committed families in their own countries. The children are raised by a loving mother and father. The children go to school, play with neighbours and help with chores. The children grow up knowing what it is like to be part of a family. Father’s House International provide educational assistance, nutritional counselling, medical support and even parenting classes in order to help these children to grow up to be strong, healthy, contributing members of their community. Their goal is to teach these children what it means to be part of a healthy family so that as adults they can break the cycles of abuse and abandonment and raise children in healthy families of their own.
Compassion Canada - international
As one of the world’s leading child development organizations, Compassion’s mission is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Over the last 70 years, Compassion revolutionized the fight against global poverty by partnering with local churches to lift children out of spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty. Today, Compassion partners with over 8,000 churches in 29 countries to deliver our proven child development program to more than 2 million infants, children and youth. Around the world, children, families and entire communities are being empowered to overcome poverty and thrive both now and into the future.
Elsie Welch is an international missionary with ACOP Global Harvest. God has given her favour to minister to all age groups and ethnicities. She is an evangelist/revivalist who loves people and loves to see the Kingdom of God advanced. In recent years God has been opening doors to Muslim nations and giving her the grace to walk through them.
Eston College - REGINA, Saskatchewan, Canada
Eston College exists to equip students to know the Scriptures and the power of God to further the Great Commission.
Presenting to everyone the Word of God in its fullness (Colossians 1:25); growing in our awareness of the will and character of Jesus Christ as made known through the Bible so that we can become more mature—able to discern between right and wrong (Hebrews 5:13-14).
Providing an environment of spiritual formation that enables growth through insight and understanding that comes by encountering the Spirit of God (Colossians 1:9); being empowered to develop and serve in our spiritual gifts and abilities given by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:11).
Taking the things we learn from and about God and putting them into practice both individually and in community; exercising godly practices and Christian service in the home, workplace, church and our world (Philippians 4:8-9); resolving to live a life marked by good discipline and stability of faith in Christ (Colossians 3:23).
Kori Sinanan is an international missionary with ACOP Global Harvest. She received Christ as her Saviour when she was 14 yrs old. Kori arrived in Calgary (age 18) and was yearning to attend a church. She met Marg Ness and she took her to church. She grew under the ministry of Pastors Merv Switzer and Bob Wilson. Attended Jubilee Bible College. Serving in missions for 34 years.
Global Harvest - International
ACOP envisions the good news of Jesus Christ being spread throughout the world by making disciples of all nations. They intend to achieve this vision by giving priority to reaching those who have little or no access to the gospel with the belief that they will inevitably become disciples who will reach out and make more disciples.
In 1929, Reverend Harold Edwardson established a soup kitchen in Edmonton’s inner-city serving meals to hundreds of people struggling with unemployment and homelessness at the onset of the Depression.
Today Hope Mission has grown into a not-for-profit Christian social care agency caring for impoverished and homeless men, women and children in Alberta.
Basic and emergency care are provided to over 800 people daily as well as counsel and referral services for men, women, and youth. Each day Hope Mission provides over 1000 meals, and shelter for over 500 people. Specialized care and treatment is offered for men and women through faith-based addiction treatment programs. Hope Mission also facilitates an after school recreation and hot meal program for children, summer camps for inner-city children and youth and operates a year-round Youth Sports Centre.
Hope Mission continues to reach out to the inner city community through special seasonal meals and events and personal contact. We operate a 24/7 Rescue Van which provides emergency care for people in need as well as an inner city community church. Counselors, chaplains and volunteers visit people on the street, in prisons, hospitals and other agencies. Furthermore, Hope Mission’s Hope Bargain Shoppe provides clients with clothing, blankets and workwear while generating revenue which directly supports our programs and services.
Jerry & Brenda - International
Jerry & Brenda are international missionaries with ACOP Global Harvest. In 1994, they left for Malawi, Africa for their first term as Global Workers. All three of their boys were born in Malawi. Alongside ACOP national leaders, they worked to establish a discipleship school, mobile Bible schools, a residential Bible college and church plants. In 2000, Jerry & Brenda moved to Zambia to establish Heart of Africa Mission – a Bible and vocational training centre. They were blessed to work with Bible college students and ACOP national leaders to church plant, establish community centres – preschool, widows training center, school for vulnerable children, equip church planters, pastors and missionaries. Their hearts desire is to see workers raised up to take the gospel to many nations who have not heard of Jesus and to see His glory cover the earth. We thank the Lord for the great work He is doing among the nations!
Joe & Nola - CANADA
Joe & Nola are the founding directors of Contend Canada which is a worship, prayer and discipleship movement. They have been leading worship and prayer in Calgary and across the nation for over 25 years. They have also been involved in leading missions to various parts of the world including the Middle East and Africa. Joe and Nola's desire is that the prayer of Jesus in John 17:20 would be fulfilled, that the church would be made one just as he and the Father are one.
MARY’S MEALS - International
Mary’s Meals is a global movement supported by people from many walks of life and different backgrounds.
Their mission is to enable people to offer their money, goods, skills, time, or prayer, and through this involvement, provide the most effective help to those suffering the effects of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest communities.
They welcome all into the Mary’s Meals family and they believe everyone has something important to contribute to the realization of our vision.
The Mustard Seed - CALGARY, ALBERTA, Canada
The Mustard Seed is a Christian non-profit organization that has been caring for individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty since 1984. Operating in five cities across Alberta and British Columbia, The Mustard Seed is a supportive haven where people can have their physical, mental, and spiritual needs met and grow toward greater health and independence.
Ovi & Sandra are in Romania with a mission and desire to disciple people and plant a church. They have weekly meetings with youth from the community, meetings that started in January 2023. They help people in the community with spiritual support, prayer and counselling. They also serve in another city with another group of youth. Their goal is to see captives set free by Jesus, disciple them, walk with them through life and prepare them to do the same.
Light to the Nations Ministries is an online hub for Messianic young adults.
We seek to provide discipleship & community to believers around the world who desire to connect more deeply with the Jewish roots of their faith & God's heart for Israel.